Thursday, December 07, 2006


I got this in my email. I don't know who originated it, but it sure is clever....

Then run over here and read the funniest post I've EVER read about this topic.

I'm thankful for not having boobs thrown in my face by militant breastfeeding mothers like the following:

Oh, wait, that's a bad example. Let me see what else I can find....

Hmmm.... just a minute... surely I can find better ones than these.....

Skin, but still not racy enough. I'll check one more time.

LOOK AT THAT!! I see almost an INCH of boob! That's disgusting!

UGH! Look at that indecency! She must be from a third world country to expose herself like that!

Now that's just.... there are no words to describe how inappropriate that is. Something should be done. CHILDREN could see that and be damaged!

By why stop at breastfeeding?? Boobs are everywhere! If you were offended by the above photos, these ones below will surely do you in!

Not this one, though. This was in plain view on newstands and in mailboxes in 19 countries world wide! This is not as offensive as a breastfeeding baby on a parenting magazine!

zOMG!!!!1111 I am sure glad that's not a baby's FACE on her breasts! (this one actually won an award)

Oh, and i guess this one's fine too, since everyone knows you can't sell jeans without someone being topless.

Or beer.....

Or sunglasses.....

Or movie tickets....

Or CDs. (hey, cut the girl a break... she was hopped up on Red Bull, ya know...)

You know what? Maybe i'm crazy, but i think that someone mixed up some photos here. The first batch are offensive, but the second batch are just fine and dandy???

People who live in glass bras....

Shouldn't throw stones.


amelia said...

I just happened across your blog from at your cervix. I was telling a friend of my the same thing you just posted about! I love the picture comparison!!! Couldn't have done it better myself!

Labor Nurse, CNM said...

Well done! I love it!