Friday, September 29, 2006

New Use for a Rice Sock

Doulas and midwives are familiar with "rice socks". You just take a new (NEW!) men's tube sock and fill it with about 3 cups of white rice (or flax, or oats, or wheat berries) and tie a knot in the end. This can then be heated in the microwave for a minute or so and will retain a nice, moist heat for about 20 minutes. They work great for sore backs and under the tummy at births. You can even add some dried flowers or herbs for a nice scent. These continue to be useful for children's growing pains, headaches, sore necks, and tummyaches after birth is over. They can also be put in the freezer for cold therapy. Well, our rice socks are completely stretched out and Blondie came up with this use the other day. She calls them her "pretty boobies".

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