Maggie Gyllenhaal cloth diapers and breastfeeds her babies. A friend of mine looked at this picture and said, "She's a real MOM, kwim? her kid's clothes don't match, her hair's up and her boob's hanging out....what could say mom better than that?"
Amen sistah!
Evidently this photo has ended up on some sort of fetish sites, which is typical of America, but I think it's a great and beautiful picture. Happy mama, happy baby. What's not to love? (Yes, the latch looks painful, but with the smile on mama's face, I kinda doubt it. Maybe baby was in the process of unlatching when this photo was taken?)
I don't know. That latch looks a bit painful.
I think it's beautiful! I dunno - mine has pulled sometimes, but if he has the whole nip in his mouth like this little one, it tends not to hurt - just tug...
I thought that latch looked painful too. But I think you are right; baby must be in the process of unlatching.
What a beautiful picture! I love it and thank you for sharing:)
The latch looks odd, but whatever works you know? Gorgeous pic though!
My boys used to do that once in a while and it really wasn't painful. Usually they were done nursing and were unlatching.
My boys used to do that and it wasn't painful. Usually they were done nursing and were unlatching.
So great to see a celebrity nursing in public!
That's a great photo! Thanks for sharing. Plus, the baby looks like it's at the age where they keep the nipple in the mouth while they turn their head, pull away, etc. We've all been there, right Holly? It IS painful. And I guess it's just one of the prices of breastfeeding an older baby.
What a nice celebrity role model.
man, I love this gal! Instead of being afraid of the stalkerazzi after her last pic, she's out there doin her thang! Awesome. And man, nursing a toddler is difficult and sometimes painful, but it does seem the baby is sliding off to let go. Esp from the other pics I saw posted. Very cool! I feel bad seeing and sharing them though..... they deserve to be left ALONE!!!
That looks like the latch my girls always have... they pull away when they nurse. It doesn't hurt though. Just looks odd!
I like that picture. It's refreshing to see a celeb being so down-to-earth.
Oh gosh- I LOVE IT!
It's a sweet picture.
But I think she gets a pass for having her boob hanging out all that way because she's a celebrity. I can't imagine the reactions if I were to nurse that way. It would not be pretty.
As to the latch, it reminds me of my second baby who used to see just how far he could stretch my nipple before losing his grip. He was the same child who liked to nurse upside down.
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