Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Well Now, That Wasn't So Bad

I went to the doc today. I was really nervous. I was worried my BP would be up. I was worried he'd find out about my previous homebirths. I was worried he'd kick me to the curb when I said "No" to the ultrasounds and glucose test and the vaginal exams. But none of that happened. I tell ya, this guy has consistently impressed me with my doula clients with his patience and his openness to alternatives in birth. Now, he's still a doc. Don't get me wrong. He still prefers women to be in the semi-reclined position for birth, etc. But I've seen him catch a baby with mom on hands and knees. He was intensely puzzled by it, but he did it. LOL.

So, I got the bloodwork I needed, and he said he was happy to just be a lifeguard, because obviously I know how to swim. No one asked me to even get undressed. The nurse ASKED me if I was going to have the glucose test. When I said no, she said, "I didn't think so, but I thought I'd ask". Wow. I like it there!

I have complete peace about this birth. I think if I should have to go to the hospital, everything will be okay. I think I will be taken care of and I'm not stressed about it. If I have to have a c-section, then I will. What is wrong with me?

Maybe this means everything will just be smooth like butter. Maybe this means God is preparing me for something else. Whichever, I am at peace with it. That's better than I felt last time and I think is a healthy attitude.

I always tell my clients, "That which we resist, persists." The one thing they get hell-bent against is usually the one things that happens.

Anyway, this comic was on My Yahoo this AM. See, home deliveries really ARE for pizzas.

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